Frequently Asked QuestionsWe will answer the questions from our customers.
For Customers Taking Local Trains between Asahikawa, Biei and Furano
When is the lavender season?
Blooming season for lavender depends on the variety of lavender. The early blooms usually begin in late June. In Furano, peak season is mid-July, and late blooming lavender can be enjoyed until early August. Once August arrives, some fields begin to cut back the lavender to preserve the roots. Please check for updates on blooming conditions on the Furano Tourism Association website.
Where should I get off to go to Farm Tomita?
The closest station to Farm Tomita is Lavender-Farm Station which is available to use from June to September. For other periods, please use Naka-Furano Station. It is a 25-minute walk from there.
Which trains stop at the Lavender-Farm Station?
1. Furano Biei Norokko Train: Limited operating dates only
2. Some local trains: Limited operating dates only
2. Some local trains: Limited operating dates only
Can I use an IC card such as Kitaca, Suica, or PASMO?
Furano Line is the area where you cannot use an IC card.
How should I get on and off the train?
Local trains are one-man operated between Asahikawa, Biei and Furano. Only the very front door opens at the stations. Please get on and off the train from there. (All doors open on some local trains in Asahikawa, Biei and Furano.)
How should I pay my fare?
If you get on the train at an unstaffed station, please take a numbered ticket from the machine near the train door you used for boarding. If you need to pay your fare on the train (such as when getting off at an unstaffed station), please check the number on your numbered ticket and the fare on the fare chart located above the driver’s seat. After that, please put your numbered ticket and your fare (by cash) together into the fare box. If you get off at a staffed station, please pay your fare to a station staff.
Can I change money on the train?
There is a money changing machine near the driver's seat which accepts 500 yen coins and 1,000 yen bills. Please use it by yourself. *2,000 yen, 5,000 yen, and 10,000 yen bills cannot be changed with this machine.